Musings of a Hapabukbuk

Friday, August 18, 2006

TrUE LifE RiDonkULousNEsS, Part Trois

Roughly 4.15 hours into our camping road trip upstate:

Angel: do i go right here?
Hapabukbuk: no. the next turn. we have to go by the bathrooms.
A: that was the bathroom, there is no next turn. this is someone's campsite.
HB: then go right back there.

We turn around, go back and take the right.

Few seconds later.

HB: turn here. turn here!
A: that's not it. we have to go past the lake.*
HB: we already went by the lake.
A: we did?

We turn around, go back and turn.

HB: 7…8…10…11…where the hell is 9?
A: i dunno. what does the map say?
HB: which map? the one that has lead us everywhere but where our campsite is?
A: (takes map) it's supposed to be right here.
HB gets out of car and begins to walk, through other people's campsites to find #8. Finally finds it and begins to wave flashlight in the hopes that A will see and once again turn the car around.
HB: um. it's right here.
A: fantastic. get the tent out of the trunk.
HB: ok fine. but first, which way to the bathroom??

(for Angel's take on the same exact conversation, go here.)
*It was more like an oversized pond.
Part Deux
Part Un


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