Musings of a Hapabukbuk

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


I saw my landlord skulking around the apartment building this weekend, trying to fix the small fountain his girlfriend no doubt made him place out front. While I appreciate the attempt to bring a little cheer into our lives by arranging seasonal things below our window, i.e. fountain for summer, scarcrow for fall, gingerbread house for winter and bird bath for spring, I hardly think fixing the portable fountain takes precedence over fixing problems with the actual building. However, I caught a glimpse of my landlord's to do list when it fell out of his pocket and discovered that he apparently disagrees with me.

1. boink girlfriend
2. fix fountain
3. put up new sign about doing laundry after 9pm
4. sit in office and ignore phone calls from tenants
5. put more crap in the hallway of the basement, right outside a tenant's door.
6. cut toe nails
7. pick nose
8. get girlfriend to sew the hole in my favorite shirt
9. increase rent
10. - 17. various self-indulgent chores which help in the endeavor to ignore tenants problems with apartments.
18. fix washing machine (what do those damn kids wash in there anyway?)
19. figure out a way to charge more for washing machine
20. - 25. more various self-indulgent things
26. send the monkeys to fix the shower in 2F
27. send the monkeys to fix the ceiling in 1F which is crumbling because the shower in 2F has been leaking for about 2 years.
28. send the monkeys to fix...what was it again? oh I think something else in the apartment was leaking. eh, maybe they'll forget.
29. i'll figure the rest out after i nap
30. no wait, boink girlfriend again
31. nap


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