Musings of a Hapabukbuk

Sunday, March 19, 2006

My Hapabukbuk Brother

one day in july 2003:

my bro: I am growing pineapple, oranges
me: luckeee
my bro: bananas strawberries
me: i dont think my window box would do the trick
my bro: peas, spinach and lots of herbs
me: a man of the land!
my bro: you could grow herbs in there
me: i had some lettuce...and a cucumber
my bro: You should see the size of our cukes!!!!!
me: i rocked that window box
my bro: I love growing things, never thought I'd get excited about things like chicken-Shit!
me: things like chicken shit?...ah, fertilizer?
my bro: yes
me: hee. chicken shit
my bro: I am making homemade compost from kitchen trash and yard trimmings
me: you are such a hippie
my bro: :-)


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