Musings of a Hapabukbuk

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Alright Already

To be perfectly honest, though it will probably make a lot of people turn in disgust, there is nothing I could care less about than sports. I'll watch the occassional tennis match but that's about as far as it goes. This makes me different from other people, I know this. At times I must work to make others believe I'm normal, or at the very least that I won't infect them with some kind of socially unacceptable anti-sports condition.

At any rate, every single person I rode public transportation with last night was drunk. And I'm not talking the
tipsy had a few beers while watching the game drunk. I'm talking stinking, I'm-trying-to-talk-but-all-that-sounds-is-a-slurred-moan, drunk.

Before embarking on the journey home one especially wasted guy actually asked me how much the subway costed. Well anyway, the rise in the tone of his voice at the end of "twoooo dollaarrrsssss-ah?" lead me to believe he was asking.

I guess my only conclusion from all of this, is this:


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