Where Will You Be May 21, 2011?
I was sitting in Union Square minding my own moral business when a woman leaned down, thrust a leaflet into my hands and said, "here you go sweetheart." I mumbled, "thank you" as she walked away and let out a sigh when I read the title:
Does GOD Love You?
Did I really think she was handing me a menu for Better Burger? But as I was waiting for a friend I decided to scan the 'literature', mentally arming myself against what was sure to be an overtly manipulative attempt to embrace Christianity.
And then I laughed and laughed.
1. Why is there suffering if God loves us?
A. Our sins are the cause for all sorrow.
2. But I'm not a bad person, I've done more good than bad.
A. "By God's standard of righteousness, even the most moral person is...a desperate sinner on his way to hell." (the first giggle exploded out)
3. What will God do to the wicked?
A. Hell on earth. The rapture will "occur on May 21, 2011 and this world will cease to exist on October 21, 2011."
4. He will destroy man and burn up the earth?
A. For 5 months it will be hell on earth, then yes He's going to burn it.
blah blah blah
10. What can I do to be saved?
A. "There is nothing you can do to get yourself saved. ...Only God can save you."
12. Can I pray to be saved?
A. Yes. God is merciful but this won't get you saved. He'll just know you want to be.
13. Should I go to church?
A. No. The church is evil. The bible is the only way.
So basically, I'm a sinner no matter what I have or haven't done and I'm going to hell, if hell on earth doesn't get me first. On May 21, 2011. I can pray to be saved but that's no guarantee and going to church is a waste of time because God is no longer saving people through the ministry.
Man Alive. We are all F'ed.
Does GOD Love You?
Did I really think she was handing me a menu for Better Burger? But as I was waiting for a friend I decided to scan the 'literature', mentally arming myself against what was sure to be an overtly manipulative attempt to embrace Christianity.
And then I laughed and laughed.
1. Why is there suffering if God loves us?
A. Our sins are the cause for all sorrow.
2. But I'm not a bad person, I've done more good than bad.
A. "By God's standard of righteousness, even the most moral person is...a desperate sinner on his way to hell." (the first giggle exploded out)
3. What will God do to the wicked?
A. Hell on earth. The rapture will "occur on May 21, 2011 and this world will cease to exist on October 21, 2011."
4. He will destroy man and burn up the earth?
A. For 5 months it will be hell on earth, then yes He's going to burn it.
blah blah blah
10. What can I do to be saved?
A. "There is nothing you can do to get yourself saved. ...Only God can save you."
12. Can I pray to be saved?
A. Yes. God is merciful but this won't get you saved. He'll just know you want to be.
13. Should I go to church?
A. No. The church is evil. The bible is the only way.
So basically, I'm a sinner no matter what I have or haven't done and I'm going to hell, if hell on earth doesn't get me first. On May 21, 2011. I can pray to be saved but that's no guarantee and going to church is a waste of time because God is no longer saving people through the ministry.
Man Alive. We are all F'ed.
I vote we have a party on May 20th, so at least we can be drunk when the fires start.
Jenna, At
10:13 AM
I hope we can all get out of work for
those 5 months.. since everything
will be burning..
I need a long vacation
but my boss is a prick
he'll probably make us work
in the flames..
Jen, At
1:27 PM
Well I am sparing no expense on my 34th birthday party. Thanks for the heads up. You are totally invited, and hangovers will be the least of our worries!
wonderturtle, At
4:33 PM
The jist of that tract is that there are no "steps to take" to be saved. Many churches today feature a man-made savation plan. We need to humbly pray to God to be saved. In other words, that transformation is totally Gods work.
God never tires of our "knocking at the door" (praying for salvation). Sometimes the transformation is subtle and for others it can come quite quickly.
"What does a man gain if loses his soul but gains the world".
May 21 will bring a huge earthquake and yes there will be hell on earth for 5 months. At that time it will be too late to be saved.
At the very least we should try to be open to what the bible says for the end of time.
Our inheritance is eternal life. Why give up that inheritance?
Try this link: http://www.familyradio.com/graphical/literature/frame/
the pamphlet is "We are alomost there". It is from the same ministry who wrote that bible tract.
Anonymous, At
4:13 PM
Remind me to make a post here on Oct 22, 2011. As we will all still be here.
To think the world is going to come to an end on this specific date is idiotic at best.
Anonymous, At
10:11 PM
Anonymous, At
8:09 PM
Why don't you donate your money to my fund instead of to the radion talk show host?
Anonymous, At
11:08 PM
It's unfortunate that we are at a time of the end of the world, while most people mock it. FACT IS, the time information in the Bible has been unsealed (Daniel 12:4). God does say that in the last days there will be scoffers 2 Peter 3:3.
This isn't a joke; nor it is a man's prediction! Many are able to go through the time line of History and find that creation occurred in 11,013 BC; the flood 4990 BC; Pay attention! 2 Peter 3:6-8! What is God saying NOT TO BE IGNORANT OF?
May many find truth!
Anonymous, At
11:21 AM
And then I laughed and laughed.
You will not be laughing when that day comes. It's very serious!
Anonymous, At
11:23 AM
I am from South Africa and what blessing it is to listen to this endtime message via the radio broadcasts of Family Radio every evening on the AM and Short Wave radio.
May the Lord richly bless Family Radio till He comes to rapture the true believers on 21 May 2011 and end this world 5 months later on 21 October 2011.
(Rev 14:6) And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,
(Rev 14:7) Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.
May the Lord have mercy on each one of us.
johannes coetzee
Family Radio listener (South Africa)
Anonymous, At
7:09 AM
It is really sad when people make fun and scoff at a time when we are really right near the end of time. It is not a prediction, we can know from the bible that Christ will return on May 21st, 2011 and the end of this world will be on October 21st, 2011
Anonymous, At
11:29 AM
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