Musings of a Hapabukbuk

Thursday, April 16, 2009

WTHIWWY - City Life, Verse VIII

A reading from the book of What The Hell Is Wrong With You?:

Dear Dunkin' Dirty:

I bought a lot of donuts from you in college. Mostly because you were the only donut shop on campus but whatever. When I moved to the city and discovered street vendor donuts I realized how much I had been missing. The cheaper, friendlier and tastier service made buying donuts a delight. I thought I would give you another chance to redeem yourself this morning. I am thoroughly unimpressed. Here are a few tips:
A) Hire people who actually pay attention to customers when they are trying to order.
B) Hire people who will return to customers their change.
C) Hire people who put a napkin in the damn bag.
What should have been my morning donut delight was instead disappointing...and dry.

Bone up Dunkin. YOUkinDO it.





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