Musings of a Hapabukbuk

Monday, July 10, 2006

The Madness Of A Commuter's Mind

...hmmm, the bus is packed tonight. it's ok, i can wait 10 min till someone gets off. i wonder what there is for dinner at home. ow. what the? can you please not hit me in the head with your arm? thank you. great. lady in the front, can you not jab your bag into my pelvis? that'd be great. ow! WTF? are you really that self involved that you don't realize every time the bus stops you jab your elbow into my neck? i'd like to set that pretty little pink sweater on fire. lady! really! i am standing right here, it's not an invisible wall you keep bumping your bag into! oh. my. god. this is a joke right? now you people sitting decide you need the space in the aisles too? hold on. hold on. let me think. yes. 4 strangers are currently touching me in some manner right this very second. i wish my skin was coated with some kind of poison so that when people i didnt want touching me touched me they would suffer slowly. wow. when did i become so violent? oh thank god. relief. yes yes. get off the bus. get out. move. ahhh. breathing room. hmmm. so dinner...


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