How TV stole time from me last week:
7 minutes - how socks are made
7 minutes - how ribbon candy is made
1.5 hours - the life stories of woman criminals
15 minutes - the differences between sea otters and river otters
1/2 hour - a pretty amnesiatic woman is proposed to by a billionaire
1/2 hour - a pretty career woman said her boss could eat her poo
(There would have been more but I forgot to watch some stuff)
How TV will steal time from me this week:
1/2 hour - a pretty amnesiatic woman tries to survive her former bad self
1 hour - a group of pretty friends try to survive an outlandish suburbia
1 hour - a group of pretty con artists try to survive their american dream con
(but i'll probably forget cuz I forgot last week)
1 hour - a group of pretty people try to survive each other in a hospital, and sometimes do surgery
1 hour - two groups of people, and some new people mixed in, try to survive each other on a tropical island, and sometimes in the future
1/2 hour - a pretty career woman tries to survive her corporate cradled boss
1/2 hour - a group of pretty normal people try to survive their nincompoop boss
1 hour - two groups of pretty people try to survive each other in space
When you put it like that, I don't feel like I am missing anything.
By lulu, At 11:35 PM
you are genius! i think i have most of them figured out...-snix
By Anonymous, At 11:01 AM
Can you post some of that stuff about the sea otters? Because I am kind of curious.
By wonderturtle, At 2:51 PM
It's easy to get sucked in by Lifetime movies.
By Moderator, At 5:31 PM
Hey Buk, I thought you watch tv for the promos? No 30 second window for the promo re-run of Iced Spiders?
By Anonymous, At 6:04 PM
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