A Very BukBuk Christmas
I learned the truth about Santa when I was about 6 or 7...an older family friend you see. At first I didn't believe her, but eventually I admitted that I was just fooling myself. I never told my mother, nor did she ever do anything that would suggest she knew I knew. So for years to come, in order to alleviate my guilt about knowing, I tried to maintain the image that I believed.
On a seemingly unrelated note, for a few years when I was a kid my parents brought me to a very BukBuk Christmas, though they usually referred to it as The Filipino Party. Because I have an excellent memory, most of the details about these parties are fuzzy and sort of visually paraphrased in my mind, but I do remember wondering how this BukBuk dressed in a Santa suit always knew exactly what to give me when it was time to pass out presents to all the kids in attendance. The last year we went however, I was in my early teens, and feeling way too old for these shenanigans I reluctantly got up to receive my gift. I'm pretty sure my mother was pushing me. It was a necklace. Or something. I can't remember. But I do remember loving it so when I sat back down I said, "thanks mom! It's beautiful!"
After that some of the tags on the boxes under the tree on Christmas morning read from: mom and dad. Others still read from: santa. I half think she was messing with me, half think she was clinging to the hope that I still believed.
This year I'll be at sea floating somewhere among the islands. Will Santa be able to find me?
Maligayang Pasko!

After that some of the tags on the boxes under the tree on Christmas morning read from: mom and dad. Others still read from: santa. I half think she was messing with me, half think she was clinging to the hope that I still believed.
This year I'll be at sea floating somewhere among the islands. Will Santa be able to find me?
Maligayang Pasko!